A New Book I Think You Should Read: The Multipliers Mindset

Every once in awhile, a book comes out that I think everybody should read.

Well written. Story-driven. Immediately applicable. Relevant. Makes me think. Great cover.

It’s called…Drum roll…

The Multipliers Mindset: Thinking Differently About Discipleship by Cynthia Anderson.

Click the image to purchase your copy of the book!

Many of us try all the things, all the tools, all the ways to try and make disciples who make disciples—but many times, it just doesn’t happen. Why? Our mindset needs to shift. 

Cynthia Anderson suggests seventeen mindset shifts that could propel us into greater fruitfulness in the Kingdom. They center around what we believe about God and ourselves—what we believe about others—and what we believe about making disciples.

I felt honored to endorse the book and here’s what I wrote:

The Multipliers Mindset is not a step-by-step, cookie-cutter program for discipleship. It’s more powerful and transformative than that, because it’s about how we think, and how that changes what we do.

Cynthia challenges our traditional assumptions about making disciples and gently paints a picture of simple but profound truths so that God can unleash us into fruitfulness beyond our wildest dreams. 

You’ll finish the book and think, If God could use Cynthia to catalyze several disciple-making movements and train thousands of others to shift their mindset—and their behaviors—to be massively fruitful in the Kingdom of God—why not me? And women, especially, why not us?

Click the image to watch my Instagram Live interview with the author, Cynthia Anderson.

You might also enjoy a fun interview I did with Cynthia on Instagram Live.

We talked about some controversial topics like the role of baptism and women in movements. I also asked her a few questions I wanted to know about, such as...

❓how do you keep thinking SO. BIG (“what’s it going to take to reach this city, people group, nations?) and not feel SO. TIRED?

❓What do you do when you know your mindset is off and you want to believe it (like, praying extravagantly) but you’re not really doing it?

Cheers for resources like this book to help you go across the street, around the world, and mobilize others to reach the three billion people with least access!

Hey, in the spirit of multiplication, why not grab two books, and give one to a friend?

Or for the hundreds of you that led a small group through Across the Street and Around the World — gather a group and do this book next! You’ll find great reflection questions at the end of each chapter, plus a small group guide in the back to follow.