Run Your Own In-Person Group Training Using the Inviting Muslims to Follow Jesus Course

Many of you tell me, “Jeannie, I have Muslim friends. I like them. They like me. But I’m stuck spiritually in my conversations with them.”

Some of you are feeling…

😣 Frustrated because you keep having the same arguments/discussions that lead nowhere.

😳 Nervous because you don’t even know how to get started sharing spiritual good news.

😢 Sad because you want to invite them to follow Jesus, but deep inside, you know they could never leave their community to do it.

And lastly, many of you are feeling

😔 Alone because…well, you’re trying to do this all by yourself.

I’ve got a solution.

What if you could gather a group of people you know, watch a twenty-minute, how-to-do-this, just-what-you-need-to-know video lesson, go through an interactive printed guide together in a lively discussion, and then make a pinkie-swear to try something that week...for a six-week Small Group?

What if you could own the video lessons for a lifetime, follow a leaders guide to facilitate a group, watch a rah-rah leaders guide video from me, and have the rights to show the videos and give the printed guides to to 20, 50 or 80+ people?

What if it could be easy to facilitate it in just an hour (including the video lesson and discussion time), easy to watch over six weeks—or one day?

❶ If this sounds great, I’d love for you to check out all the Group Training Package for the Inviting Muslims to Follow Jesus Course.

It includes one lifetime enrollment access to the video lessons + rights to show up to 20 people the videos in a small group format + give them each the printed guides. You could ask people to contribute $15 and the package deal is covered. Get the Package with rights for 50 people, and you could charge an enrollment price of only $10, and each participant gets to watch all six videos PLUS take home a printed Workbook with all the valuable Guides in it.

If you’re got Muslim friends, and you’re ready to try something more than what you’ve already tried, and you want to train others too, why not think about running your own in-person Six Week or Weekend Training?

If you don’t, you might not have the tools or the courage or the community to actually invite your Muslim friends to follow Jesus. This leaves them in spiritual darkness with an uncertain eternity.

If you decide to give the Small Group Package a try, I promise…

✅ You won’t feel alone, because you’ll be watching the videos with other people, discussing with them, feeling energized to try things and do it together.

✅ You will not be frustrated any longer because you’ll know how to try different ways, use different language, and get past the common objections to the heart of the matter.

✅ You won’t be nervous anymore to speak of spiritual things, because I’m going to teach you the ten Arabic words you need to know, the bridges to use, and exactly how to practice in the mirror inviting Muslims to consider the Kingdom of God, and the King who runs it.

✅ You won’t feel sad when you ask them to follow Jesus because I’ll also show you how they might keep their cultural heritage and still follow Jesus as the way to God, filled with the Spirit.