How Three People in My Mastermind Will Impact the World Through Their Digital Course

Meet three people—just like you (with knees a’quakin’ + determined hearts)—who said YES to training ten, a hundred, maybe a thousand others to get results in a specific area of their life by creating and launching a profitable digital course.

These three friends saw results in areas such as… 

  • How to live free after trauma and abuse (that’s Rena, an author, speaker, and a thriver from deep betrayal

  • How to prepare your body for pregnancy (that’s Rachelle, a nurse practitioner, holistic midwife, and a future cross cultural worker) and

  • How to hear from God (that’s Ken, an entrepreneur, former director of a non-profit and former cross-cultural worker).

If you’re dreaming about doing something BIG, or different, or hard, you’ll be inspired.

If you’re dreaming about creating your own profitable digital course someday (maybe your identity when you move overseas? or to mobilize more people?), you’ll see yourselves in this recorded video replay of Rena, Rashelle, and Ken ⬇️…in their desire for more ministry, more fruit, more time (and yes, financial) freedom.

Watch this casual, recorded video 🔽 as I first tell my own behind-the-scenes no-holds barred joy (and tear-my-hair-out-times) of creating The Neighbors & Nations Course—and then listen in as I interview each of them:

  1. What motivated Rena, Rashelle, and Ken to create their course and how they did it

  2. The BEST thing about the experience (+ how they experienced Digital Course Academy—the course I took to create my courses—and the small but mighty DCA Bonus Mastermind group with me)

  3. The most CHALLENGING thing (hint: all three said the same thing)

ALSO, you might be interested in taking their course! If so…

Meet Rena, and her course Broken to Beautiful: Transformed By God’s Power, launching for the second time RIGHT NOW so—watch her free 27-minute masterclass to get a taste.

Meet Rashelle, and her course Foundations for Fertility, launching for the first time soon, soon soon—so sign up for her waitlist.

Meet Ken, and his course Hearing From God, launching sometime in the future so—email him to be the first to know when it’s available

If you missed the Fall 2022 chance to take Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy through me (yes, she only opens it once a year), you can still DO A LOT to get ready for next year.

You can start building your e-mail list of people who might love your free content on your important topic! Check out Amy Porterfield’s jam-packed one-hour training on how what it’s going to take to start building your email list now…so that you can create a course in the future!

Then, next Fall 2023, you could enroll in Digital Course Academy too, and also ALSO get my DCA Bonus Experience:

I’ve got an undercover mission to help launch more faith-based people’s courses into the world—so I have a lot of Bonus goodies to give you, including:  

❶ A small but mighty live DCA Mastermind group on Zoom every other week for ten weeks + a Whatsapp group of believing Course Creators where I answer questions in the moment.

❷ Sneak Peeks into my Course #2 as I create it.

❸ A live bonus hour training on money mindset for faith-based creators.

❹ And behind-the-scenes videos, tips, and my own tricks using each DCA Module.

Pray about joining my band of dreamer doer course creators going through Digital Course Academy in 2023!