(One of) The Most Effective Ways to Expand Your Influence...Grow Your E-mail List
Do you…
🙄 Wish you could tell more people about important things you’re doing?
😬 Need more financial partners to support your important work?
🧐 Want to reach more people with your kingdom business, message, or product?
😁 Hope more people get involved in what you’re doing? Such as that short-term trip you’re planning, the class you’re facilitating, or the conference you’re arranging?
Here’s what I wish I knew ten years ago…and what I know now.
Growing an e-mail list is one of the MOST EFFECTIVE ways to influence people for good.
I know. Sounds so practical, doesn’t it? So business-y.
Really? We’re trying to save the world, and we’re talking about e-mail lists?
Time out for a little speech: It’s good stewardship to take solid business practices that work in the secular world, into the sacred space (with a few tweaks), so that we can expand the Kingdom of God further, wider, deeper.
I’m tellin’ you: a good, strong, growing e-mail list is GOLD.
So, I want to tell you about something so valuable that helped me—a free masterclass by my mentor on how to grow your e-mail list (click to watch it)—for those of you who are…
✅ cross-cultural workers raising support
✅ kingdom workers starting kingdom business overseas
✅ leaders influencing your churches or organizations for the nations
✅ facilitators of small groups, classes, and conferences
If that’s you, I invite you to watch this free, one-hour training by my mentor, Amy Porterfield:
Click to watch this free one-hour training by my mentor, Amy Porterfield.
When I followed the exact steps in this free training (and in the valuable Course offered at the end), I grew my e-mail list from 300 to 4,000+ people.
Every week, THOUSANDS of you open my e-mails and read what I’m writing. Thousands click on the links I suggest. And many of you write me back with happiness, gratefulness, life-changing stories because of the things God lets me share with you.
For example, just this week, Megan N wrote me and said:
You don’t know me but You’re my virtual mentor! I’m so grateful for your emails and simple/practical communication with our Muslim neighbors.
Some friends and I had an Iftar dinner on Friday night with 15 Afghan refugee friends (our church has been helping them resettle for the last 5 months) and we clearly got to share the good news of Easter with them! Thankfully, one of my friends speaks their language so it makes it a lot easier. I shared your video with my team and we expanded on it for a good 15 minute explanation of why we celebrate this weekend. And— they loved it! One girl even took home a New Testament in her language to study it for a week :) Wow! So just wanted to let you know… and a big thanks for all you do!
(By the way, if you missed the fifteen-minute FB LIVE video on How to Explain Easter to Our Muslim Friends, you can still watch the replay).
I am so humbled by this trust and gift of influence, and fruit because of you all doing it.
You could also expand YOUR influence too—about the God-given passions on YOUR heart—by growing your e-mail list in an intentional way.
Why e-mail, you might say? Isn’t it more sexy and trendy to get on TicToc or Instagram? Isn’t e-mail dying out?
Nope. E-mail is alive and well, and not going anywhere, anytime soon.
Here’s why:
❶ Studies show that 80% of people check their e-mail before they get out of bed.
❷ You own that list (unlike a social media following) and no one can take it from you.
❸ People on the list WANT to hear what you have to offer.
❹ You can get into hundreds—thousands—of people’s living rooms with ONE CLICK (and that can lead to a video, or social media, or your business, your conference or class sign-up, or your support link).
So, if this resonates with you, trust me, take an hour out of your time to watch Why Growing Your E-mail List Feels So Dang Hard…and What to Do Instead:7 Simple Solutions to Attract New Email Subscribers at Lighting Speed, and just see if it might help you think bigger and reach MORE people with the message God gave you.