You Could Do a Creative, Missional Small Group That DOES things

The days are a-comin’ back when your small group can meet like this to go through a book and eat pizza together!

But hey, picture this. 

Instead of eating could be sampling falafel and hummus at a Mediterranean restaurant with your family or roommates...making friends with the Greek owner...because you're reading about and DOING missional purpose your small group!

Here's the truth about doing purposeful, intentional things.

I know that if I really want to make positive lifestyle changes in a sustainable way, then I've GOT to do it with others in a group.

So, if you want to really learn a lifestyle that naturally offers Jesus in a winsome way to everyone you meet, you gotta gather a small tribe that cares about this stuff too.

Then you'll actually do it. And it'll be a whole lot more fun.

Ta-da! I designed three FREE Small Group Guides (two Six Week versions and a Three-Month version) to go along with the Across the Street and Around the World book.

Click to get the downloads for three free Small Group Guides.

The creative, interactive, community format encourages your group to experience most aspects of missional community at an introductory level with the same time commitment as the average church small group. 

Just follow the Guide each week, step-by-step. You don't even need a facilitator. It's easy. And fun. And free.

All you need is a copy of Across the Street and Around the World for each person—and everyone should get this link to download their own version of the free Small Group Guide to bring with them to group each time.

In the first 6-week Across the Street book group, you’ll discover God’s heart for loving and welcoming people right in our own backyard, who are from a different cultural background.

You’ll notice them already in your schools, workplaces, and grocery stores. You’ll grow your confidence, compassion, and knowledge to make friends, be part of their life, pray with them, and introduce Jesus in a winsome way through your words and actions. 

If you do the second 6-week Around the World group OR the entire 13-weeks, your group will be inspired to consider a purposeful career living overseas, doing full-time cross-cultural work, and offering Jesus to those in other cultures who have the least opportunity to hear. With a like-minded group of people, you’ll count the costs, explore ideas, ask the questions, and get healthy enough to consider asking God the question, “God, will you send me?”  

So gather your friends, or talk to your small group, and be a community that DOES something,