Justice College, an African College in the USA?

I’m kinda big on education. Education for those who can’t get it. And education for allllll of us so we can not mess up the world—and instead do things wisely, intentionally, and WELL.

So, what if you wanted to get a globally-focused degree so you can BE BETTER at what you do?

A degree with names like Social Justice & Global Development or International Business & Social Entrepreneurship or Spiritual Formation & Christian Ministry to use in the global space?

I've got just the place. It's called Justice College. And it's right here in my home state of Arizona—on the beautiful pecan-tree covered campus called The Grove, where our family worships.

I jumped in my Big Red minivan and asked for a private tour—which I recorded in a series on my stories in an Instagram Highlight.

Come on, you know you want to come walk with me on video as Nathan and Rosa show me the campus. I'm givin' you my own take on it, the behind-the-scenes scoop.

Here’s why I decided to show off Justice College and why it might be just the right fit for people like you (or young people you're mobilizing):

It's accredited by an African university. Yes, you heard me. African Bible Colleges is the mother—so you've got study abroad opportunities, some African professors, student exchanges, and a wider worldview.

It’s globally-focused. You’ll be with other like-minded people who “get” your heart for the nations and desire to make change in spiritually dark and physically impoverished places.

It's diverse. If you're white, you're going to be a minority. I love that.

It’s totally affordable. One of the lowest-cost colleges in Arizona—and they offer scholarships, especially if you play basketball or soccer.

It’s community-oriented. You’ll live in one of five discipleship houses with ten students, refashioned as dorms on campus. Living as a close-knit purpose-driven team is important preparation for cross-cultural work.

It’s brand new this fall. So you’re a freshman among freshman with staff who want to serve you and have traveled and lived alllllll over the world, run by a fellow Third-Culture Kid turned Ph.D (they allllllways go all out on things....).

❼ And lastly, drummmmmm rolll. You’ll get to take the The Neighbors & Nations Course. Yaaaaasssss sirreee. My course is part of the Spring curriculum offering.

BONUS: I live here and so I’ll get to meet you. Come see my video tour in an Instagram Stories Highlight!

PS: Speaking of the course, I have a date when enrollment for The Neighbors & Nations Course will open. Yes, I do!

I know some of you like to plan ahead. So, enrollment opens for JUST TEN DAYS on August 24, 2021 🎉 And it's the ONLY time it'll be available in 2021.

You're gonna want to get on the Waitlist now becaaaaause, you don't want to miss the ten days...and I'm going to offer an Early Bird special...and it's going to be good.

So—you mobilizers getting others trained, church leaders trying to practice what you preach, refugee and international student-friend makers, future overseas house-church planters practicing here first—you'll get EIGHT WEEKS with me and we're gonna get tight because I want to see you get results.

Here's what some of my fifty students from the spring launch said about why they took The Neighbors & Nations Course. (And you know, these really apply to getting a degree at Justice College too).