Four Ways to Increase Your MQ-Missional Intelligence (Podcast Episode!)

You’ve heard of IQ which measures intelligence. You’ve heard of EQ, which measures emotional intelligence. There’s even CQ, which measures cultural intelligence.

But have you thought about your MQ, which measures your missional intelligence?

Since missional intelligence MQ has to do with what’s it going to take to reach the rest of the three billion people with least access to the Kingdom of God—it’s important that YOU know how you can play a significant role in this important task.

Global Missions Podcast in Canada interviewed me on Episode 148 to discuss WHAT IS missional intelligence—and FOUR WAYS to increase yours.

Fifteen years ago, I was one of those people. You know, the ones that had a lot of passion without knowledge. Trying to change the world with zeal, but really messing things up for people in other cultures—without even knowing it. Also, I had completely missed the people groups that might NEVER hear about Jesus—opting in to “help” people that already had quite a few believers present.

Until a wise, seasoned overseas-worker-turned-mobilizer sat me down and said, “Jeannie, your motivation is pure. You’ve got a lot of heart. But you could be so much more effective and strategic. You’ve got to increase your missional intelligence. You’ll be glad you did—and so will the people you’re trying to help.”

He was right.

So, as we kick off 2021, I’d love to introduce you to FOUR WAYS to increase your missional intelligence—and your effectiveness—that helped me so much.

The FOUR WAYS I talk about to increase your MQ are things any ordinary Jesus-follower could do, starting right where you already live. If you’re mobilizing others to care about the three billion people with least access to Jesus Christ—you can also dream about ways to put these four ways into practice at your churches, in your internships, and small groups.

So, take me on one of your walks, or your commute to work, and listen to this fun, practical, packed-with-resources talk. In fact, the show list with all kinds of links on this episode is SUPER long, so you’ll want to check out all those links, for sure.

Listen to the Podcast HERE.

PS: The Global Missions Podcast produces excellent episodes especially for mobilizers for the nations so I also recommend subscribing.

Global Missions Podcast in Canada interviewed me on this  fun, practical episode.

Global Missions Podcast in Canada interviewed me on this fun, practical episode.