Sharing Jesus With My Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim Friends

I’m always on the search for great tools to help my readers grow in their ability to reach out to their neighbors.  Not long ago, I met an author and blogger named C. Anderson who is a true kindred spirit!  She has started what we call a Disciple Making Movement in Nepal and has coached and trained many others around the world.

An awesome resource she shared with me is called How Do I Share Jesus With My Friend of Another Faith?

Check it out and give it a try! I felt equipped and inspired through the specific tips it gave about how to share with my Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim friends. 

Stay tuned for an upcoming free webinar I’ll be hosting with C. Anderson called How to Have a Massive Kingdom Impact (Even if You’re Not Rich, Famous, or Super Talented) in July. I’m also excited to launch her step-by-step Disciple-Making Movement online course also in July. More details to come!